
  1. Section Editor(s): Falter, Elizabeth (Betty) MS, RN, CNAA, BC

Article Content

Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidenced-Based Practice Model and Guidelines, Robin Newhouse, Sandra L. Dearholt, Stephanie Poe, Linda Pugh, and Kathleen White. Sigma Theta Tau International in collaboration with The Institute for Johns Hopkins Nursing, 2007. Soft cover, 224 pages, $49.95.


The back cover of this book has the most compelling statement for adopting evidence-based practice (EBP) and perhaps this model. "When the strongest available evidence is considered, the odds of doing the right thing at the right time for the right patient are improved." As hospitals hire nurse researchers to lead, teach, and implement EBP, they face the challenge of defining their methodology or model. The Johns Hopkins model provides experience and a template that minimally helps a hospital get started and in fact could come close to the model a hospital adopts. This review in no way recommends this model but does recommend the book as a benchmark model from a research institution for hospitals to pursue. The collaboration between the school of nursing and the hospital is evident. As in any approach to quality, each hospital needs to choose or adopt a model that best fits its needs.


The book has 5 authors, 6 sections, 10 chapters, 5 exemplars (applications) and an Appendix composed of 9 tools or guidelines. The authors present their model in a comprehensive, user-friendly approach. They approach the concept of EFP, the issues around environment necessary for EFP, and the model itself, which has now become the standard for Johns Hopkins. This book would be an excellent addition to any nursing library, EBP team, or school of nursing in their research course.