
  1. Dlugose, Deborah RN, CCRN, CRNA

Article Content

Providing safe and effective sedation for patients undergoing gastrointestinal procedures is a challenging part of our practice. Changes in sedation practice are driven by the increasing number of such cases done each year and increasing level of responsibilities of nursing roles in these procedures. New definitions and standards are being promulgated by various groups while pharmacology and technology for sedation care are advancing. This full-day workshop will focus on topics including strategies for patient selection, assessment, and preparation; planning for clinical safety; making sense of monitoring; rational titration of medication; rapid response to emergency events; effective documentation; and risk management strategies from bedside to manager levels. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills will be emphasized as the course content is presented. Case illustrations from the instructor's experiences in sedation care and legal nurse consulting will also sharpen participants' abilities to provide sedation care which is both safe and effective.


Section Description

We are pleased to present the abstracts from sgna's 36th annual course, SGNA: your gateway to opportunity. The diversity of these topics certainly reflects the richness and breadth of our specialty. in keeping with the tradition of the annual course, we hope the following abstracts will encourage discussions for improving nursing practice and patient care outcomes.