
  1. Provenzano, Janice BSN, RN, CGRN

Article Content

With the development of new technologies that include higher resolution computed tomography (CT) scans and endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), masses can be better identified and evaluated. Some are incidental findings and others are discovered when the patient becomes symptomatic. The subject of this presentation is pancreatic masses (neoplasms). Pancreatic masses are often associated with malignancy and poor survival. Although abnormal, not all neoplasms are malignant or require intervention. The purpose of this presentaiton is to assist attendees in differentiating between pancreatic cysts and solid tumors: malignant, nonmalignant, or potential for malignancy. Presenting symptoms, workup and evaluation of the masses, pathophysiology, management and treatment options, prognosis, and appropriate follow-up of pancreatic neoplasms will be addressed. Pictorials will include distinguishing features of these masses. Most patients with any pancreatic abnormality experience anxiety that can play a major role in their tolerance of procedures and activities of daily living. Educating these patients regarding their diagnosis can have a positive effect on their emotional and physical health. The knowledgeable, supportive gastroenterology nurse can help the patient walk the recommended path, wherever it may lead.


Section Description

We are pleased to present the abstracts from sgna's 36th annual course, SGNA: your gateway to opportunity. The diversity of these topics certainly reflects the richness and breadth of our specialty. in keeping with the tradition of the annual course, we hope the following abstracts will encourage discussions for improving nursing practice and patient care outcomes.