
  1. Kline, Grace A. MN

Article Content

Marshal1 provides an exceptional review of the interdisciplinary work that has contributed to our current understanding of place as a concept. This interdisciplinary perspective provides valuable insight regarding the importance of the interactions between healing and place. The concept of place is directly related to environment, which, as Marshall notes, is\break a core nursing concept. Therefore, it is especially relevant to consider contributions from disciplines that share this core concept, in particular, architecture and environmental psychology.


A basic underlying principle of neuroscience is that "[horizontal ellipsis] environment influences behavior."2(p1227) This is also a basic underlying principle in architecture and environmental psychology. Clare Cooper Marcus,3 noted landscape architect, in her book House as Mirror of Self illuminates the intersection between design and emotion. There is a further extension of the concept of place by Manzo.4 This research extends the exploration of place, and places of comfort or restoration, beyond the home and into community. These scholars, who study the concepts of environment and place, provide important insights for nurse scientists to consider in their work. The interrelationship of home and healing is especially relevant as people cope with the loss of home due to the current economic downturn.


Thank you for publishing this timely and important article on the relationship between place and healing.


Grace A. Kline, MN


University of Washington, Seattle, Washington




1. Marshall ES. Home as place for healing. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2008;31(3):259-267. [Context Link]


2. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM. Principles of Neural Science. New York: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division; 2000. [Context Link]


3. Marcus CC. House as a Mirror of Self: Exploring the Deeper Meaning of Home. Berkeley, CA: Conari Press; 1995. [Context Link]


4. Manzo LC. For better or worse: exploring multiple dimensions of place meaning. J Environ Psychol. 2005;25(1):67-86. [Context Link]