
  1. Brown, Denise BSN, RN, CCRN
  2. Withheld, Name
  3. Biver, Susan BSN, RN

Article Content

Concussion recovery: A long journey

Thank you for publishing "Tackling Long-Term Consequences of Concussion" (January, 2013).* My oldest son has been living with the effects of concussion and the resulting chronic traumatic encephalopathy since 1998. He sustained a debilitating concussion while playing high school hockey, and several more followed. Besides losing cognitive function, he has motor deficits, chronic pain, sleep disorder, and is legally blind from concussion.

Figure. No caption a... - Click to enlarge in new windowFigure. No caption available.

His journey has been both difficult and inspiring. As his mother, I've advocated and cared for him, and tried to support his journey. As a nurse, I've often been frustrated and saddened by healthcare systems and caregivers due to their lack of knowledge and understanding of concussion.


When I teach nurses, I try to impress upon them that our care of patients needs to include compassion. Often in healthcare we believe that our knowledge is the be-all and end-all, but we need to remind ourselves that our knowledge base is, at best, limited to what we know and understand. I believe that nurses should strive to treat all patients with respect, dignity, and compassion.


Tap in to better practice

Thank you for your very informative and pertinent article "Best Practices in Postoperative Feeding" (June, 2012).* As an RN on a medical-surgical unit, I've questioned a one-size-fits-all approach to advancing diets. This article has provided me with some insight into directions I can take to further research the topic and ways I might bring this issue up at my facility.


This past year we tackled the evidence for tube feelings, specifically regarding use of tap water versus sterile water. It's generated a lively debate. Some have bristled at the thought of a year's worth of tap water use going down the drain, especially because we've never had any complications. But facility policy now requires sterile water usage. It takes more time to use the sterile water, but if the patients are better off for it, let's get with the program!


Don't assume the worst

As the caregiver for my mother during the last 2 years of her life, I read with interest "Elder Abuse: Screening, Intervention, and Prevention" (October, 2012).* When my mother broke her thumb bowling with a foam ball in day care, and when she fell out of bed and developed a large bruise over half of her face, I was afraid that someone would cry "abuse." Thankfully, most of the professionals I came in contact with during those 2 years were very understanding. Her gerontologist even said, "I don't ask my patients if they ever fall. I ask them when was the last time they fell."




Rochester, N.Y.


-Name Withheld BY REQUEST




Chicago, Ill.


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