
  1. Shephard , Rosemarie
  2. Uy , Justine
  3. Otterman , Victoria
  4. Betker , Claire
  5. Sandhu , Harman S.
  6. Tjaden , Lynda
  7. Apatu , Emma
  8. Di Ruggiero , Erica
  9. Musto , Richard
  10. Pawa , Jasmine
  11. Steinberg , Malcolm
  12. Payne , Elspeth
  13. Fang , Lily


These findings demonstrate that updates to Canada’s core competencies are needed and overdue. Recommendations to support this process include establishing a formal governance structure for the competencies’ regular review, revision, and implementation, as well as ensuring that priority topics applicable across all competency categories are integrated as overarching themes. Limitations of the evidence include the potential lack of applicability and generalizability to the Canadian context, as well as biases associated with the narrative literature review methodology.