Focus On: Creating a Culture of Safety

safety.jpgA “culture of safety” – what does that mean? Is it using smart pumps and “no interruption zones” to decrease the incidence of medication errors? Is it using personal protective equipment to reduce the risk of transmitting infection? Is it waiting for a colleague to finish report so you can walk out to the parking lot together? Yes. A culture of safety is all of these things and more. The health care workplace – no matter what setting – is full of risks, and by focusing on creating a culture of safety, we can improve the care we give, outcomes, and our own well-being. Read the journal articles below to learn more.

Bedside shift report: Implications for patient safety and quality of care
Nursing2015, August 2015
What's that sound? Managing alarm fatigue
Nursing Made Incredibly Easy!, October 2014
Beyond Socks, Signs, and Alarms: A Reflective Accountability Model for Fall Prevention
AJN, American Journal of Nursing, January 2016
Creating a Culture of Safety Around Bar-Code Medication Administration: An Evidence-Based Evaluation Framework
JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, January 2016
Workarounds in the Workplace: A Second Look
Orthopaedic Nursing, August 2015
The Effect of a Safe Zone on Nurse Interruptions, Distractions, and Medication Administration Errors
Journal of Infusion Nursing, April 2015
The American Organization of Nurse Executives and Emergency Nurses Association Guiding Principles on Mitigating Violence in the Workplace
JONA: Journal of Nursing Administration, August 2015
Systematic Review of Control Measures to Reduce Hazardous Drug Exposure for Health Care Workers
Journal of Nursing Care Quality, June 2016

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