
  1. Campbell, Philippa H. PhD
  2. Coletti, Catherine Ehret MS


The purpose of this study was to identify the extent to which multidiscipline early intervention providers identified and demonstrated caregiver-teaching strategies. A total of 78 providers submitted 205 videotaped segments to illustrate 1 of 5 caregiver-teaching strategies (i.e., demonstration; caregiver practice with feedback; guided practice; conversation; and problem-oriented reflection). For each submitted segment, the provider identified the type of teaching strategy being illustrated. Segments were then viewed and coded as 1 of the 5 caregiver-teaching types by an independent rater who was blind to the provider-identified strategy. The rater identified caregiver-teaching strategies in 168 segments. Agreement on the identified caregiver-teaching strategy between the providers and the rater was 85%, indicating that providers were able to illustrate and correctly label strategies. Caregiver practice with feedback and conversation were the most frequently illustrated strategies. Play, particularly play with toys, was the most frequently illustrated teaching context. Strategies providing opportunities for caregivers to practice were significantly more associated with play than nonplay activities. Discussion (e.g., conversation and problem-oriented reflection) was significantly associated with nonplay activities. Communication was the most frequently addressed functional skill and was significantly more associated with play than with nonplay activities.