
  1. Buscemi, Charles P.
  2. Romeo, CarolAnn


BACKGROUND: The effects of multiple medications may impair or enhance wound healing. A review of the literature for drug side effects identified cell culture and case studies of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) impairing collagen deposition in cutaneous wounds; these medications have also been used to prevent or minimize keloid formation.


CASE: A 71-year-old male patient presented with a venous leg ulcer (VLU), having incurred a crushing injury and fracture requiring surgical repair 16 years earlier. The patient's history was significant for obesity, smoking 1 cigar daily, hypertension, and lower extremity venous insufficiency; medications included amlodipine and lisinopril. The wound initially responded well to advanced wound products and compression, but wound healing subsequently stalled. A collagen-containing alginate dressing was added to the treatment regimen and the wound closed within 2 weeks.


CONCLUSION: We postulate that lisinopril may have contributed to the observed delayed healing and targeted this potential impediment to wound healing with a readily available topical collagen-containing product resulting in a rapid wound closure after a significant delay in progress toward wound healing.