Article Content

Do You Have the "Write" Stuff?

Many of our readers are also published authors, and we are always on the lookout for more talented authors. We especially encourage authors who have topics that would be appropriate for our Clinical Management Extra, which is the continuing education (CE) activity in each issue. I'd like to offer some basic guidelines for our future CE authors.


For CE articles, the following elements are important to include the following:


* A key element to CE articles is identifying a "gap in practice" to set up why your article is important. We want to demonstrate "what readers will learn from this article."


* Articles need to "teach" the reader and provide clinical information/instruction that can be used at the bedside.


* Our CE test writers need to develop about 18 questions from your content, so try to keep that in mind as you are presenting the educational material.


* Include informative tables and/or figures when possible.


* If including photographs that show a clinician's hands, make sure the clinician is wearing appropriate sterile gloves.


* If discussing any products or devices, it is best to use generic names.


* We encourage references to be no more than 5 years old whenever possible, unless benchmark/historical data. We realize that it often does not always apply when referring to relevant studies. Using as many "newer" references as possible is best for CE articles.


* Please do not use endnotes in your article. Use standard, sequentially numbered footnotes in the text, with the cor-responding reference list at the end of the article.


* Length of CE articles varies greatly, depending on the subject and supportive content, such as tables/figures/photographs. Average length is typically between about 4800 and 6400 words, which translates to 6 to 8 print pages, but this is a flexible element.


* Include 5 or 6 brief, bulleted "takeaway" points at the end of the article, which are called Practice Pearls.



Because we plan our CE articles well in advance of publication, please e-mail me directly with any potential CE article proposals before submitting them for peer review: mailto:[email protected].


In addition, all authors are welcome to submit their original research, clinical concept, case series, and case reports using our electronic submission process: Information for authors is provided on the site. And for any authors who may need the assistance of language editing services, a number of resources are listed on our journal's website:


We look forward to hearing from you!


Kathleen A. Greaves


Senior Managing Editor


Advances in Skin & Wound Care