
  1. Kamper, Joel E. PhD
  2. Garofano, Jeffrey MA
  3. Schwartz, Daniel J. MD
  4. Silva, Marc A. PhD
  5. Zeitzer, Jamie PhD
  6. Modarres, Mo PhD
  7. Barnett, Scott D. PhD
  8. Nakase-Richardson, Risa PhD


Objective: To examine concordance of accelerometer-based actigraphy (ACG) with polysomnography (PSG) in the determination of sleep states in inpatients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), and examine the impact of injury severity and comorbid conditions (spasticity, apnea) on concordance.


Participants: This was a convenience sample of 50 participants with primarily severe TBI.


Design: This was a retrospective chart review of concurrent administration of PSG with ACG in nonconsecutive rehabilitation admissions with TBI.


Main Measures: Total sleep time and sleep efficiency were measured by PSG and ACG.


Results: Moderate to strong correlations between ACG and PSG were observed for total sleep time (r = 0.78, P < .01) and sleep efficiency (r = 0.66, P < .01). PSG and ACG estimates of total sleep time (316 minutes vs 325 minutes, respectively) and sleep efficiency (78% vs 77%, respectively) were statistically indistinguishable.


Conclusions: Actigraphy is a valid proxy for monitoring of sleep in this population across injury severity and common comorbidity groups. However, further research with larger sample sizes to examine concordance in patients with TBI with disorder of consciousness and spasticity is recommended.