
  1. Habinski, Janice A. LPN

Article Content

Your recent article on massage attests to the value of personal care in the healing process ("Many Benefits, Little Risk: The Use of Massage in Nursing Practice," January). I am a 69-year-old retired LPN. LPNs like giving hands-on care.


LPNs have rigorous training. We are certified to administer meds and start ivs. We are trained to give soothing baths and massages. We do all this, in addition to taking vitals, drawing blood, and providing other patient needs. Our training complements that of RNs. We recognize our limits but are not acknowledged for our contributions. Hospitals won't hire us and we don't get support from RNs.


Schools are still graduating LPNs and many would like to work in a hospital. Most LPNs don't want to be RNs.


I wish RNs would consider what we have to offer and advocate for our inclusion on the health care team.


Janice A. Habinski, LPN


Mentor, OH