
  1. Luglio, Harry Freitag SGz, MSc, RD
  2. Sulistyoningrum, Dian Caturini BSc, MSc
  3. Apriliana, Nur Laila SGz
  4. Putri, Syari Ernawati SGz
  5. Larasati, Ayu SGz
  6. Tsani, Ahmed Fahmy Arif SGz, MSc, RD
  7. Kandarina, B. J. Istiti MD
  8. Sofro, Zaenal M. MD, AIFM, Sports&Circ.Med
  9. Huriyati, Emy MD, MKes


The aim of this study was to develop a new exercise regime with a mixture of aerobic and strength training combined with a low-calorie diet (1200 kcal/d) and to evaluate its health benefit in overweight/obese individuals. In 8 weeks of study, participants were divided into 2 groups: a low-calorie diet alone and a low-calorie diet with exercise regimen. The low-calorie diet combined with aerobic and strength training had a superior effect on weight loss and improved body composition (but not on glucose and lipid profile compared with low-calorie diet alone).