
  1. Cerdan Santacruz, Carlos
  2. Diaz del Arco, Cristina
  3. Rubio Herrera, Miguel Angel
  4. Sanchez-Pernaute, Andres
  5. Torres Garcia, Antonio Jose


BACKGROUND: Primary skin tumors that develop at enteral feeding stomas are extremely rare. Ongoing surveillance of these stomas, including the peristomal skin, is essential to early diagnosis and treatment of these tumors.


CASE: A 73-year-old man with an esophageal chemical burn caused by swallowing sodium hypochlorite (bleach) approximately 50 years earlier that was initially managed with esophageal exclusion and placement of a gastrostomy device for enteral feeding presented with an exophytic and painful mass of the skin adjacent to his gastrostomy site. The pathologic report confirmed differentiated squamous cell skin carcinoma.


CONCLUSION: Skin tumors arising from chronic wounds or ulcers of the skin surrounding a gastrostomy device are rare but should be considered if hypergranulation tissue or a peristomal lesion appears to be nonhealing. WOC nurses are frequently consulted for care of granulomas, and close monitoring is essential for avoiding this potentially fatal complication.