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In March 2004, the International Council of Nurses (ICN), supported by the Burdett Trust for Nursing, formally launched the Global Nursing Review Initiative: Policy Options and Solutions. The project aims to highlight key policy and practice issues, innovations, and solutions necessary to address the supply and utilization of the nursing workforce globally.


The key goals of the initiative are 4-fold:


1. To provide a global overview of the supply and demand and key nursing workforce trends and issues;


2. To identify and describe key issues and best practices related to workforce policy and planning, and nursing shortages;


3. To review and highlight interventions addressing recruitment and retention difficulties; and


4. Through a global summit, agree on key worldwide and regional priorities in addressing nursing workforce shortage issues.



The present communique represents the first in a series of project publications, and provides an update on progress to date.



The Reference Group

The first "virtual" meeting of the Reference Group was held in March 2004 to discuss the plans needed to successfully deliver this initiative. The Reference Group is a key component of the project and its members play an important advisory and consultative role. ICN is pleased to announce the members of the Reference Group as follows:


Jonathan Asbridge, President


Nursing and Midwifery Council


London, United Kingdom


Gilles Dussault, Senior Health Specialist (Policy)


World Bank Institute


Washington, DC, USA


Marilyn Elegado-Lorenzo, Director


Institute of Health Policy and Development Studies


National Institute of Health


University of the Philippines


Manila, Philippines


Thembeka Gwagwa, General Secretary


The Democratic Nursing Organization of South Africa


Pretoria, South Africa


Silvina Malvarez, Regional Advisor on Nursing and Allied Health Personnel


Pan American Health Organisation


Washington, DC, USA


Ken Sagoe, Director


Human Resources Development Division


Ghana Health Service


Accra, Ghana


Judith Shamian, President and CEO


Victorian Order of Nurses


Ottawa, Canada


Sissel Hodne Steen, Assistant Director, and Ragnhild Seip, Health Advisor


Department of Human Development and Service Delivery


Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation


Oslo, Norway


Duangvadee Sungkhobol, Regional Advisor for Nursing and Midwifery


World Health Organization, Regional Office for South-East Asia


New Delhi, India


Piyasiri Wickramasekara, Senior Migration Specialist


International Migration Branch


International Labour Office


Geneva, Switzerland


The global overview

Since February 2004, Dr James Buchan of Queen Margaret University College in the United Kingdom, with the support of the Reference Group and other key informants, has been identifying data sources and key literature for the global overview. The project team is currently in the process of identifying additional key informants to provide regional and country-specific information. A draft of the overview is planned for completion in the summer of 2004.


Issues Papers Series

In addition to the global overview, a series of issue papers is being commissioned to examine 4 main aspects of nursing workforce policy. The 4 main themes are as follows:


1. Regulation, competency development, and role definition.


2. Policy and planning initiatives: (a) nationally, to address geographic and sectoral maldistribution, and (b) locally, to assess workload and improve utilization, and deployment.


3. What makes a "good" employer: the links between effective human resource practice, staffing levels, staff involvement, and care outcomes.


4. Recruitment, retention, motivation, and performance: interventions and incentives to promote job satisfaction.



In addition to the 4 themed papers, additional country/region papers will be commissioned. These papers will examine country/regional-type feedback while making best use of meetings with key informants.


The summit

The outcomes from the global overview and issues papers series will be used as a backdrop to a high-level summit scheduled to take place in 2005. The summit will bring together decision makers and provide them with the evidence base to make sound decisions related to nursing human resources.


We invite you to continue to follow our activities in the next Project Communique due


for release in the Fall 2004.


To obtain further information on the Global Nursing Review Initiative:


Policy Options and Solutions, please contact


Patricia Caldwell


International Council of Nurses


3, place Jean-Marteau


1201 Geneva, Switzerland


Tel: +41-22-908-0100


Fax: +41-22-908-0101


E-mail: [email protected]


*Supported by the Burdett Trust for Nursing. [Context Link]