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INSTRUCTIONS Antimicrobial Resistance and Antimicrobial Stewardship in Home Healthcare



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* There's only one correct answer for each question. A passing score for this test is 7 correct answers. If you pass, you can print your certificate of earned contact hours and access the answer key. If you fail, you have the option of taking the test again at no additional cost.


* For questions, contact Lippincott Professional Development: 1-800-787-8985.


* Registration deadline is September 6, 2024.



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Nurses will demonstrate competency in understanding antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial stewardship actions for home care nurses by achieving a minimum score of 70% on this learning activity.




After completing this continuing professional development activity, the participant will be able to apply knowledge gained to:


1. Identify the causes and prevalence of common infections.


2. Recognize the background data helpful for understanding antimicrobial resistance.


3. Choose the concepts that define and support antimicrobial stewardship.



1. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), what percentage of antibiotic prescriptions in the United States each year are unnecessary?


a. almost one quarter


b. nearly one third


c. about one half


2. The New Delhi metallo-beta-lactamase enzyme, a cause of antibiotic resistance, emerged in India, and as a result of medical tourism, soon spread to


a. Japan.


b. Saudi Arabia.


c. the United Kingdom.


3. Among the antimicrobial resistance (AMR) competencies the World Health Organization identified for nurses is


a. assessing the source of infection.


b. not asking providers to prescribe an antibiotic.


c. receiving communications about patients' diagnoses.


4. The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Prevention defines antimicrobial stewardship as a coordinated program that promotes the appropriate use of antimicrobials, improves patient outcomes, reduces microbial resistance, and


a. encourages obtaining allergy histories and performing medication reconciliation.


b. educates patients/families/the public on the importance of infection prevention.


c. decreases the spread of infections caused by multidrug-resistant organisms.


5. Data from the Outcome and Assessment Information Set indicates that 17% of unplanned hospitalizations in the United States were due to infection, most commonly respiratory, urinary tract, and


a. sepsis.


b. wound infections.


c. gastrointestinal infections.


6. Shih and colleagues reported that 47% of home care patients included in their study had at least one urinary tract infection, with the most important risk factor being


a. older age.


b. poor hygienic practices.


c. an indwelling urinary catheter.


7. The CDC reported that up to how many residents of long-term care settings receive one or more courses of antibiotics in a year?


a. almost half


b. about two thirds


c. nearly three quarters


8. McGoldrick identified the components of antibiotic stewardship in home care, including


a. appropriate culturing.


b. medication reconciliation.


c. monitoring for adverse events.


9. Zimmerman and colleagues reported on a significant reduction in antibiotic use among long-term care residents when


a. the residents and their families were included in education about antibiotic use.


b. mismatches between the cultured microbe and the prescribed antibiotic were reported.


c. prescribing practices were monitored electronically and flagged when possibly unnecessary.


10. After conducting a survey of acute-care nurses, Jones and colleagues reported that the nurses believed that


a. cultures were only necessary when patients reported dysuria or frequency.


b. cloudy urine and sediment were a sign of infection necessitating cultures.


c. routine cultures were necessary for patients with indwelling catheters.