
  1. Steiner, Linda A PT, DPT, MS, OCS

Article Content

The Power of the Pelvis by Lavinia Plonka, 2 disc audio CD (also available as an 82 MB MP3 download ) Available at, $26.00.


Lavinia Plonka, GCFP is an Feldenkrais teacher, workshop leader, and Director of Asheville Movement Center in North Carolina. She has over 30 years of movement experience and is the author of several books. These two CDs contain an introduction and four 20-minute lessons in pelvic movement and awareness based on the Feldenkrais Method. It is designed for general consumer use. Each section can be done separately allowing the user to progress through the program at their own pace


All sections are narrated in a clear and well modulated voice. The narrator speaks slowly enough and includes rest breaks making it easy to follow instructions, and giving the listener an opportunity to pause or to return to a previous section. The introduction is a short explanation of the basic Feldenkrais concept and an outline of the program. The author does not assume familiarity with Feldenkrais teaching and sets out appropriate guidelines for working through the program.


In the succeeding 4 sessions (titled The Center of Everything, the Spinal Chain, Activating Your pelvic Floor, and Freedom to Move), the user is guided though a series of lessons focusing on becoming aware and activating the pelvic floor, abdominal, and hip muscle groups in various ways. Activities begin in supine and lead to side lying and finally to standing exercises. Appropriate emphasis is placed on technique and correct breathing patterns while focusing on increasing the user's awareness of how the movement feels. There are repeated instructions not to force movement, and to encourage both activation of muscles and subsequent relaxation. Activities include activating the pelvic floor muscles, pelvic clock imagery, pelvic bridging, and hip internal and external rotation exercises that are both differentiated from and coordinated with pelvic motion.


As a consumer oriented CD, there is no evidence offered to support the concepts or the Feldenkrais method. A few instructions could use more clarity. The author introduces a concept called "ton den" which appears to correlate with the body's center of gravity but does not really tie the concept in well with the activities. Overall these are simple, basic, and relaxing sessions that could be an excellent adjunct for home use early in the treatment of the patient with pelvic floor or spinal dysfunction or with pelvic pain syndromes.


Boston, MA