Professional Nurse Resources

Nurses impact healthcare in many roles and across practice settings. Nurses consider the social determinants of health to provide holistic care, they strive to promote health equity, and from the bedside to the boardroom, the leadership of nurses impacts change.

Lippincott NursingCenter is here to help you pursue and achieve your professional goals while optimizing patient care and outcomes. Learn about issues and trends in nursing in our monthly From the Desk of the Chief Nurse series and delve into our professional nurse resources below.

From the Desk of a Lippincott Nurse

Lisa Bonsall, MSN, RN, CRNP, CCRN
Senior Clinical Editor, Lippincott NursingCenter

A Fresh Start for the Coming Season

This time of year brings a fresh beginning for many. Whether you are welcoming students into the classroom or into the clinical setting, welcoming new nurses to the unit or floor, or starting school or a new job yourself, this is a time when the “little things” can make a big difference. Let’s revisit some tried and true strategies for making a first impression to give yourself and others a solid start. Keep reading...

More From the Desk of the Chief Nurse…

Pursuing career dreams…just do it! July 2024

Let's Support our New Nurses June 2024

Thank you for Making a Difference! May 2024



Explore the professional nurse resources Lippincott NursingCenter has assembled to help you succeed.