
  1. Korkmaz, Medet PhD, RN
  2. Tavsanli, Nurgul Gungor PhD, RN
  3. Ozcelik, Hanife PhD, RN


A large proportion of cancer patients use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) to extend their quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of CAM use by patients undergoing cancer treatment. The study was conducted in Turkey at a large state university hospital and a government hospital between March and December 2013. The research sample consisted of a total of 147 cancer patients undergoing either chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Data collection was performed using a Patient Description Form and the EUROHIS (WHOQOL-8.Tr) quality-of-life scale through face-to-face interviews. The use of CAM, green tea (28.00 +/- 4.24), and garlic (29.00 +/- 0.00), as well as the use of a combination of plant products such as pomegranate juice, pollen, and herbal tea (31.25 +/- 5.96), not feeling the need to inform the physician of the use of CAM, regular use of CAM, finding CAM use effective, and suggesting CAM use to others were found to have a statistically significant relationship to average quality-of-life scores (P < 0.05). This study could be used to develop holistic nursing interventions and CAM use by patients undergoing cancer treatment.