
  1. Sullivan, Jane E. PT, DHS
  2. Associate Professor

Article Content

The goal of the website Strokengine Assess is to provide current information about outcome measures used in stroke management. Sixty outcome measures are reviewed, spanning body structure/function, activity, and participation constructs. In addition to measures commonly used by physical therapists in neurological practice, measures of language, cognition, depression, and perception are included.


Outcome measures are organized both alphabetically and by domain. Navigation buttons for each measure allow the reader to view an in-depth review of the measure, summary table, details regarding psychometric properties, and links to view or purchase the measure. The psychometric information includes up-to-date references as well as links to other similar measures for comparison. A helpful "mouse-over" psychometric glossary and a link to a table of descriptive statistical evaluation criteria supplement the psychometric review and may be particularly useful for novice clinicians and students. Clinically useful information such as equipment required, administration time, scoring information, and available language versions is also provided. Recommendations are made about client suitability (for whom the measure is/is not appropriate). Hypertext links to other stroke-related Web sites can be found throughout the site as well as a direct link to StrokEngine, a companion site that contains information and evidence reviews about interventions used in stroke rehabilitation.


Strokengine Assess is designed for the rehabilitation student, clinician, or researcher. The companion site, Strokengine, also contains consumer information in the form of a series of "patient/family" questions/answers on each intervention. Both sites are clearly written, easily navigable, and well referenced. The author of each outcome measure review on Strokengine Assess is clearly identified. All tools have been updated within the last 2 years. The website was developed and is maintained by the Canadian Stroke Network and McGill University. The Web site was last accessed on December 10, 2010.


Jane E. Sullivan, PT, DHS


Associate Professor


Department of Physical Therapy and Human


Movement Sciences


Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University


Chicago, Illinois