
  1. Desjardins, Susan MSCN, RDN
  2. Brody, Rebecca PhD, RD, LD, CNSC
  3. Touger-Decker, Riva PhD, RD, CDN, FADA


This study explored nutrition-focused physical examination (NFPE) practices of registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) who completed an in-person NFPE course. Relationships between NFPE conduct and professional characteristics of respondents were also investigated using a mixed-mode survey. Ninety-six respondents met the inclusion criteria. Examination of muscle, fat loss, hair/nails, weight, peripheral edema, skin, and height was the most frequently reported independent task. Time and workload were limitations to NFPE. Respondents with additional NFPE training conducted significantly more NFPE components independently (P = .002) than those without more training. Further research is needed with a larger sample of registered dietitian nutritionists who completed NFPE training.