
Survivorship, Cancer Rehabilitation, Tonsil, Lymphedema, Treatment Related Effects



  1. Kirschner, Michelle MSN, RN, APRN-BC


Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present an example of collaboration between a cancer survivorship and cancer rehabilitation program at an academic-affiliated hospital.


Findings: The article demonstrates the process of identifying and treating the surgical and radiation effects experienced by a head and neck cancer survivor. The specific roles of the advanced practice nurse and the physical therapist in assessing, identifying and treating cancer treatment-effects such as lymphedema and orthopedic problems are highlighted.


Conclusion: The survivorship visit is an opportunity to identify treatment-related effects amenable to rehabilitation and to refer head and neck cancer survivors to physical therapy for further evaluation and treatment.


Clinical Implication: Collaboration between nurses and physical therapists engaged in survivorship care can provide an effective and efficient pathway to improved functional outcomes for cancer survivors.