
  1. Masemer, Debbie A.
  2. Yu, Hong
  3. Konrad, Peter E.
  4. Englot, Dario J.


BACKGROUND: Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) is an invasive diagnostic surgical procedure used to identify specific areas of seizure activity in the brain. SEEG has been shown in both adult and pediatric populations to be a safe and effective tool for preoperative decision making.


USES: This is used in patients with medically refractory epilepsy who are potential candidates for brain surgery to control seizures. It is preferred over other invasive diagnostic procedures because of lower risk, reduced discomfort, and shorter operating times.


OUTCOMES: It has a distinct role in obtaining meaningful data that leads to more precise surgical options. All of this results in better seizure control and improved quality of life for the patients.


CONCLUSION: Knowledge of the SEEG procedure, its benefits, complications, and the neuroscience nurse's role will improve care for surgical patients and improve outcomes.