
  1. Ong, Jennie PharmD
  2. Van Gerpen, Ruth MS, RN-BC, APRN-CNS, AOCNS(R)


To prepare clinicians to treat extravasation of noncytotoxic vesicants with antidotes and thermal compresses, a literature review was performed to identify noncytotoxic vesicants and to create evidence and consensus-based recommendations. The stage of injury and vesicant's mechanism of tissue injury dictate treatment. For a vasopressor extravasation, warm compresses and administration of a vasodilator are recommended. For osmolarity, pH, absorption refractory, and cytotoxic concentration-dependent vesicants, warm compresses and administration of hyaluronidase are recommended. Compared with potentially catastrophic costs of undertreatment, the cost of overtreatment is minimal.