
  1. Section Editor(s): Lockhart, Lisa MHA, MSN, RN, NE-BC

Article Content

In this issue of Nursing made Incredibly Easy!, you'll have an opportunity to read offerings on nurse health. We discuss posttraumatic stress during the pandemic and emotional PPE (see page 6), nutrition (see page 13), and resilience (see page 21). The focus on nurse health is of particular interest now that we're professionally stretched beyond capacity. The pandemic has changed our lives personally and professionally in ways we never imagined. And, unfortunately, nurses aren't immune to the health risks affecting our nation.

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The articles on emotional PPE and resilience really struck a chord with me. When you think of resilience, you imagine a person who can bounce back from almost anything. This is a personality trait associated with nurses as a profession. We're a strong, smart, well-educated, hardworking and independent group of professionals. Resilience embodies hope, spirituality, self-control, and a sense of who we are as individuals and as a team. But even the strongest of us need help sometimes. What happens when the resilient begin to feel defeated?


The pandemic has created a sense of imbalance in all of us. The things we once turned to for relaxation and stress release may be unavailable to us now. Holidays have been altered as well; families are separated by space and our center of gravity may feel as if it has shifted. This sense of being off-balance and traumatized by long hours, difficult work situations, poor staffing, and a greater need for your time and attention when you're unable to care for yourself can be impactful physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


The article on emotional PPE will be eye-opening for you, and it will validate what you've been feeling. It's important on every level to understand and respect your emotions, your level of exhaustion, and what resources are available when you're in trouble. Use your professional relationships and look to your professional organizations for support. Professional journals and websites are also offering a variety of education and support currently.


These are hard times for our nation and our healthcare heroes. Reach out to talk; take time to rest and reset; and know that you're not alone, you're not weak, and you're not defeated. Professionally, nursing will come through to the other side as we've done since Florence Nightingale's time-more resilient than ever.

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