
nutrition assessment, nutrition screening, oral health



  1. Radler, Diane Rigassio PhD, RD, FADA
  2. Touger-Decker, Riva PhD, RD


Nutrition screening identifies risk factors for nutrition-related problems and is the trigger event for assessment, intervention, and referral. Nutrition screening is warranted if the outcome may prevent deterioration in function, decrease severity of complications, expedite recovery, or reduce consumption of resources. Nutrition screening in oral health is essential to the dietetics professional to identify risk factors that may impair adequate dietary intake and nutrition status. Oral health screening for the dietetics professional may include some or all aspects of the extraoral cavity, lymph nodes, carnial nerves, intraoral cavity, and screening for dysphagia risk. Dietetics professionals should attain and refine their skills in physical assessment relative to the head, neck, and oral cavity, and should maintain confidence and competence through continued practice. Necessary referrals and collaboration with dental professionals may help improve health outcomes for patients served.