
  1. Gaspar, Phyllis PhD, RN
  2. McBreen, William PhD, RN
  3. Ponto, Julie MS, RN, APRN,BC, AOCN

Article Content


To evaluate a post-master's CNS program, which provides course work necessary for CNS certification and prescriptive authority.



Meeting the requirements for certification and prescriptive authority requires creative methods of education, particularly for CNSs already in advanced practice. Student and faculty perspectives are important factors in the success of the program.



In 1999, the Minnesota Nurse Practice Act was amended to provide title protection and prescriptive authority for CNSs. National certification was required to practice as a CNS, and to help individuals meet the new requirements, Winona State University developed a post-master's CNS program. The program was available to advanced practice nurses throughout the United States. A federal grant provided opportunity for the development and implementation of this program.



Many students have completed various aspects of the program to meet their goal of obtaining certification or prescriptive authority. The program is being evaluated through student and faculty formal and informal feedback and course evaluations.



Student and faculty evaluation of the program, with particular attention to the strengths of the program and opportunities for the future, will be described.



Creative post-master's programs can prepare individuals for certification and prescriptive authority. Ongoing evaluation of the program can identify the strengths of the program and opportunities for improvement.