
  1. Durkin, Gregory J. MEd, RN, NPDA-BC
  2. Cosetta, Mary Ann MSN, RN, CPN, CCTN
  3. Mara, Colleen BSN, RN, CPN, CNRN
  4. Memmolo, Shauna MSN, RN, CPN, NPD-BC
  5. Nixon, Colleen MSN, RN, CPHON
  6. Rogan, Mary Lou BSN, RN, CPN
  7. Pignataro, Shelly MSN, RN, NPD-BC


This article describes the assessment of contributing factors to preceptor burnout and strategies to address them. A review of the literature, surveys, and focus groups were conducted, and no single solution to address burnout was found. Findings did not show significant differences related to the number of preceptors, the experience of preceptors, or the experience of new hires. Preceptors expressed the need for ongoing professional development, formalized feedback, resource materials, operational policies, and meaningful recognition.