
  1. Hanks , Robin
  2. Ketchum , Jessica M.
  3. Peckham , Mackenzie
  4. Sevigny , Mitch
  5. Sander , Angelle M.
  6. Martin , Aaron M.
  7. Agtarap , Stephanie
  8. Beaulieu , Cynthia L.
  9. Callender , Librada
  10. Hammond , Flora M.
  11. Lengenfelder , Jean
  12. Rabinowitz , Amanda R.
  13. Walker , William C.
  14. Hoffman , Jeanne M.
  15. Harrison-Felix , Cynthia
  16. Nakase-Richardson , Risa


Chronic pain is prevalent among individuals with TBI and is associated with poorer psychosocial outcomes, especially for PTSD, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbance. The results from this study highlight the presence of modifiable comorbidities among those with chronic pain and TBI. Persons who experience persistent pain following TBI may be at greater risk for worse psychosocial outcomes.