
  1. Kyff, Jan MS, RN

Article Content

Increased healthcare costs and declining reimbursement drives the need to reduce labor costs with overtime reduction often targeted as a major cost saving strategy. Cost reduction is explored through an actual month-to-month tracking methodology using creative staffing models. Equally important is the increased nurse, physician, and (ultimately) patient satisfaction levels that are maintained. Creative staff scheduling models including "Salaried on Call" and "Weekend Cadre" will be presented accompanied by a data-supported proposal for change. Benefits for the staff nurse include reduced or eliminated on-call hours; for the manager, significantly decreased overtime hours; and for the administrator, critical data elements to support strategic staffing model changes. The associated change process walked by staff nurses is included.


Section Description

We are pleased to present the abstracts from SGNA's 34th Annual Course, Charting a Course for Professional Growth. The diversity of these topics certainly reflects the richness and breadth of our specialty. In keeping with the tradition of the Annual Course, we hope the following abstracts will encourage discussions for improving nursing practice and patient care outcomes.