
  1. Wolf, Debra PhD, RN
  2. Lehman, Lisa BSN, RN
  3. Quinlin, Robert MD
  4. Rosenzweig, Margaret PhD, RN
  5. Friede, Samuel FACHE
  6. Zullo, Thomas PhD
  7. Hoffman, Leslie PhD, RN


Objective: The aim of this study was to determine if nurses, using patient-centered care (PCC), affect patient satisfaction, perceptions of nursing care, and quality outcomes.


Background: The Institute of Medicine proposed PCC as 1 of 6 national quality aims, whereas the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services highlighted integration of PCC as 1 of 12 actions for quality improvement.


Methods: A total of 116 patients were randomized into an intervention (PCC) or control group. Patients who were to receive PCC were called before admission and cared for by nurses who trained to administer/practice PCC. Control patients received usual care. Both groups completed questionnaires and received postdischarge calls. Length of stay, falls, infections, and adverse events were measured to assess quality of care.


Results: No significant differences were found between groups for length of stay, infection, falls, postoperative complications, quality of care, satisfaction level, or perceptions of nursing care.


Conclusions: Patient-centered care did not affect patient's level of satisfaction or quality of care. However, findings yielded clinically relevant results regarding patient/staff responses.