
  1. Asuquo, Maurice E. MB, BS, FWACS
  2. Umoh, Mark S. MB, BS, FWACS
  3. Bassey, Ekpo E. BSc, MB, BCh


OBJECTIVE: This study was to highlight the diagnostic and therapeutic values of cutaneous metastatic carcinoma.


METHODS: Presented are patients with histologic diagnosis of cutaneous metastatic carcinoma seen in the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital, Calabar, Nigeria from 2000 to 2006.


RESULTS: Six patients (2 men and 4 women) with cutaneous metastatic carcinoma whose ages ranged from 37 to 55 years presented during the study period and accounted for 6.5% of total cutaneous cancer and 0.6% of total malignancy.


CONCLUSION: Cutaneous metastatic carcinoma exhibited a pattern of clinical significance. Clinicians are urged to renew interest in cutaneous nodules, chronic discharging sinuses, and ulcers.