Focus On: Stroke 

Page reviewed and updated: November 2023

Caring for patients with stroke can be challenging. When a stroke is occurring, it is critical to distinguish the symptoms from other diagnoses. Determining the type and location of stroke is yet another difficulty. Further challenges are met with treatment and rehabilitation.

We know that time equals tissue when it comes to stroke care. Read the latest articles from our journals to make sure you know how to recognize signs and symptoms of stroke and follow recommended guidelines to improve outcomes.

Pocket Cards

Assessment and Management of Stroke
Lippincott® NursingCenter®, January 2024

Alteplase Injection for Acute Ischemic Events
Lippincott® NursingCenter®, December 2023

Guideline Summaries


Stroke Care

Use of Stroke Alert Sticker in the Field Decreases Time to Acute Interventions for Ischemic Stroke Patients
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, December 2023

Fatigue Experiences in People With Stroke
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, November/December 2023

Lipidomics, Acute Ischemic Stroke, Symptoms, and Outcomes: Observational Study Protocol
Nursing Research, July/August 2023

A Telestroke Nurse and Neuroradiologist Model for Extended Window Code Stroke Triage
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, June2023

The Lived Experience of Serious Stroke Survival: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Case Study
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, May/June 2023

An Integrative Review of the Utilization of the Perceived Stress Scale in Stroke Recovery
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, April 2023

Stroke program development: It's a process
Nursing made Incredibly Easy!, March/April 2023

Bundled Approach to Improve Inpatient Stroke Recognition and Time to Treatment
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, February 2023

CE Anosognosia for Hemiplegia and Falls After Stroke: A Prospective Correlational Study
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, January/February 2023

Safety, Efficiency, and Efficacy of Protocolized Contrast-Enhanced Imaging in Acute Stroke Evaluation
Journal for Healthcare Quality, November/December 2022
Nurses Lead the Way for In-Hospital Stroke Care
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, August 2022
Physical Activity After Transient Ischemic Attack or Mild Stroke Is Business as Usual
Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, July 2022
Outcomes of a Stroke Response Team on the Emergent Management of Intracerebral Hemorrhage
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing, May/June 2022
CE Acute ischemic stroke or migraine with aura? Triage considerations
Nursing2022, February 2022
Are Symptoms of Spasticity, Pain, and Fatigue Related in People With Stroke?
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, January/February 2022
Alphabetical Mnemonic to Assist in the Treatment of an Acute Ischemic Stroke
Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, October/December 2021
CE Acute Ischemic Stroke
AJN, American Journal of Nursing, September 2021
CE Embolic Stroke of Undetermined Source: A Primer for Nursing
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, February 2021
CE Community-Based Interventions for Stroke Provided by Nurses and Community Health Workers: A Review of the Literature
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, August 2020

Stroke Prevention

Implantable loop recorder detection for atrial fibrillation to prevent stroke in high-risk patients
Nursing2023, May 2023

Effect of the Preparatory School FAST Stroke Educational Program
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, October 2022
Investigation of Medication Adherence and Factors Affecting It in Patients With Stroke
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, February 2022

Stroke Caregivers

Implementing Home-Based Clinical Research for Caregivers and Persons with Stroke: Lessons Learned
Home Healthcare Now, May/June 2023

Stroke Caregiver Depression: Qualitative Comparison of Treatment Responders and Nonresponders at 1 Year
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, November/December 2022
Male Caregivers' Stories: How They Successfully Adjust to Partners With Stroke
Family & Community Health, July/September 2022
Stroke Family Caregiver Life Changes From the COVID-19 Pandemic
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, August 2022
CE A Person-Centered Approach Understanding Stroke Survivor and Family Caregiver Emotional Health
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, April 2022
CE Using the Preparedness Assessment for the Transition Home After Stroke Instrument to Identify Stroke Caregiver Concerns Predischarge: Uncertainty, Anticipation, and Cues to Action
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, January/February 2021

CE Design and Usability Testing of the Stroke Caregiver Support System: A Mobile-Friendly Website to Reduce Stroke Caregiver Burden
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, May/June 2020

Disparities in Stroke Care

Reflections on Obstacles to Stroke Awareness in Spanish-Speaking Hispanic Populations: Lost in Translation
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, December 2022
Interventions for Informal Caregivers of Stroke Survivors: Is There Racial and Ethnic Representation in Stroke Caregiver Studies?
Rehabilitation Nursing Journal, January/February 2022
RAPIDO: Promoting stroke awareness among Spanish speakers
Nursing2022, January 2022
Racial Disparities in Stroke Readmissions Reduced in Hospitals With Better Nurse Staffing
Nursing Research, January/February 2022

CE The Effects of Meditation, Race and Anxiety on Stroke Survivor Resilience
Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, June 2020

More Resources

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