
  1. Henly, Susan J. PhD, RN

Article Content

Nursing Research has a long and distinguished history as an essential publication for nurses around the world. In 1952, appearance of the inaugural issue marked the commencement of the modern era in nursing science. Since then, Nursing Research has supported dialogue in the community of nurse investigators and documented significant aspects of the scientific record. Now, our vision is to continue as a preeminent global venue for dissemination in nursing science, to be used for the betterment of the health and well-being of the world's people.


Communication in all scientific fields is currently undergoing transformation at a breathtaking, accelerating pace. Introduction of the IBM 5150-PC in 1981 and Netscape's Web browser in 1994 were harbingers of the changes (Hurd, 2000) that now touch communication across the spectrum of research activities, from creating virtual research teams and collaboratories to using searchable electronic databases for retrieval of published literature by scientists and practitioners alike.


Amidst these changes, the peer-reviewed research article has continued as the fundamental vehicle for communicating research, but the manuscript management process has changed dramatically. Electronic support for submission, peer review, and editorial correspondence has created a more efficient, open process with engagement of more scientists as peer reviewers. The look and feel of the published research article is no longer static; instead, supplemental digital content enhances presentation of findings with potential for color, dynamic graphs and more space to report detailed findings, all of which are useful in today's nursing research environment.


Going forward, the central mission of Nursing Research will continue. We aim to publish highest quality, innovative, and influential scientific articles focused on (a) health-illness experiences of individuals, families, groups, and communities; (b) the nature, impact, and mechanisms of interventions designed to optimize health, prevent disease, promote comfort, and mitigate symptoms; and (c) the provision of compassionate care at the end of life. In addition, in the journal and adjunct E-sites, Nursing Research will serve as a forum for inquiry about issues and priorities shaping the future of the science, advancement of methods, and translation of findings into practice.


Nursing Research is starting the 2013 New Year with a new Editor, new Associate Editors, and a new Editorial Board. Our first priority is the creation of a strategic plan to support our missions. We will proceed with the greatest appreciation for the leadership and accomplishments of the astute and forwarding thinking past Editors of Nursing Research and the Associate Editors and Board members who have served with them. We encourage your input and participation in establishing the plan. Send us an E-mail, friend us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and chat us up at meetings, too.



Susan J. Henly, PhD, RN




[email protected]




Hurd J. M. (2000). The transformation of scientific communication: A model for 2020. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51, 1279-1283. [Context Link]