
  1. Hurst, Susan ACNP-BC

Article Content


An Illustrated Guide to Infection Control is an excellent entry-level nursing text for nursing students and new graduate nurses who are looking for practical information related to infection control. The preponderance of infection issues can be daunting for new nurses, and it is not uncommon for them to need a resource that is filled not only with how-to's but also the why's and how's. This text offers all of these items.


The text is designed with chapter pretests and posttests to allow the reader to self-evaluate his/her knowledge level. In addition, there are numerous illustrations and photos that are excellent adjuncts to the information provided. If the reader is unsure about an item he/she has read, there is often a chart, photo, or illustration to complement the paragraph. The information also builds from the simple to the more complex, such as starting with the basics of hand washing and ending with information regarding resistant organisms. The topics are broad and encompass hospital and community environments and how regulatory agencies impact both.


The authors provide ample references and have also included a glossary of terms, which is an added plus with a topic as specialized as infection control. Inherent in infection control is a new language that is also known to public health so definitions are definitely helpful.


This book is a great entry-level text, most probably too basic for advanced practitioners. For those new to health care, this is a great starter to learn about infection control.