
  1. Cameron, Brenda L. PhD, RN
  2. Carmargo Plazas, Maria del Pilar PhD, RN
  3. Salas, Anna Santos PhD, RN
  4. Bourque Bearskin, R. Lisa MN, RN
  5. Hungler, Krista MSc


We present findings from an Access Research Initiative to reduce health disparities and promote equitable access with Aboriginal peoples in Canada. We employed Indigenous, interpretive, and participatory research methodologies in partnership with Aboriginal people. Participants reported stories of bullying, fear, intimidation, and lack of cultural understanding. This research reveals the urgent need to enhance the delivery of culturally appropriate practices in emergency. As nurses, if we wish to affect equity of access, then attention is required to structural injustices that act as barriers to access such as addressing the stigma, stereotyping, and discrimination experienced by Aboriginal people in this study.