
  1. Davidson, Judy E. DNP, RN, FCCM, CNS
  2. Savidan, Kimberly A. MSN, RN.C, PHN
  3. Barker, Nancy RN, CCNR, WCC
  4. Ekno, Mary BSN, RNC-NIC
  5. Warmuth, Dianne MSN, RN, CNS
  6. Degen-De Cort, Annemarie RN, MSN, ACM


Family presence is advocated by many professional organizations and recommended in practice guidelines. However, firmly held beliefs often prevent full implementation of family presence on rounds and with visiting. This article will review the evidence surrounding common concerns that family presence will increase infection, have adverse effects on the physiologic status of the patient, defer from teaching opportunities, or otherwise interfere with rounds. The notion that families need to be encouraged to go home to rest is also explored. A case study describing 1 unit's efforts to improve family presence is described. Strategies to overcome obstacles inhibiting family presence will be provided.