
  1. Ji, Shu MD
  2. Zhang, Guizhen MD
  3. Hua, Yafang MD
  4. Jin, Xueqin MD


Pressure ulcers are a frequently encountered difficulty in clinical nursing care. In cases of pressure ulcers, continued pressure on soft tissue leads to pathological processes in affected tissues that include ischemia and hypoxia, nutritional and metabolic disorders, and degeneration and necrosis. Pressure ulcers are a common clinical complication. In February 2013, our department admitted a patient with Parkinson's disease who suffered from a chronic pressure ulcer with tunneling. This patient was given an integrative therapy treatment protocol that consisted of external applications of a phytomedicine called sanguis draconis, combined with a series of conventional treatments, including local oxygen therapy, custom-built vacuum aspiration, and anti-infection therapies. The patient's integrative treatment program resulted in complete amelioration of the pressure ulceration. The following sections describe the nursing experiences associated with this case study.