Article Content

In the article mentioned above, the fourth step of the "E-Act: The Model" was not included in the text. The complete fourth step is included below and should have appeared after the following sentence on page 209, "This step ensures that the sudden insecurity, which accompanies any difficult decision, is addressed."


The fourth step, Transcribe Notes, is a modern framing of the popular adage, 'document, document, document'. All case managers know the importance of documentation to the process at hand. In mandatory reporting situations, it is especially imperative that professionals of all disciplines take the time to accurately document the facts plus what actions are undertaken. The term, transcribe, represents more global perspective of documentation, with the definition:


1. a. to make a written copy of


b. to make a copy of (dictated or recorded matter) in longhand or on a machine (as a typewriter)


c. to paraphrase or summarize in writing


d. write down, record


2. a. to represent (speech sounds) by means of phonetic symbols


b. translate 2a


c. to transfer (data) from one recording form to another


d. to record (as on magnetic tape) for later broadcast


(Merriam Webster, 2015)



This step insures that case managers use whatever mode of documentation is in place at their employer, whether electronic and/or hard copy. The mantra continues to apply; if it's not documented, it's not done!




Fink-Samnick E. (2015). E-ACTS: A Framework for difficult decision-making (Case Management Matters Column). Professional Case Management, 20(4), 206-210.