
  1. Ilakkuvan, Vinu MSPH
  2. Turner, Monique Mitchell PhD
  3. Cantrell, Jennifer DrPH, MPA
  4. Hair, Elizabeth PhD
  5. Vallone, Donna PhD, MPH


Turner's Anger Activism Model (AAM) contends anger and efficacy interact in a unique way to determine message responses to campaign materials. This study tested the AAM using responses to 2 truth antismoking advertisements collected in August-October 2014 via an online, cross-sectional survey of 15- to 21-year-olds. Those aware of each of the truth advertisements (n = 319 for each) were organized into 4 anger/efficacy groups. Analysis of variance and regressions were conducted to understand group differences in message-related cognitions (persuasiveness, receptivity, conversation). Message cognitions were highest among the high anger/high efficacy group and lowest among the low anger/low efficacy group.