
  1. Ellefson, Laurie
  2. Wilson, Francis
  3. Hoffman, Kathleen
  4. Wells, Belinda


The WOCNCB will initiate changes in January 2017 that will provide guidance to aid foot care candidates to meet the eligibility requirements. Of the 24 required CEs, 8 CEs may be related to basic skin and wound care. The remaining 16 CEs need to be specific to foot care. To further support the overlap of wound care and foot care, a CWCN may provide the direct supervision of up to 12 h of the specialty experience for the future foot care nurse. The experience would relate to basic skin and wound care. The remaining 28 h of specialty experience need to be performed under the direct supervision of a foot care expert. The candidate is expected to only submit the specialty experience completed under the direct supervision of the foot care expert; additional hours above 40 may not be accepted. Abbreviation: CWCN, certified wound care nurse.