


  1. Schaefer, Karen Moore DNSc, RN


Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic muscle disorder characterized by muscle aches and pain of varying intensities. Sleep disturbances have been recognized as one of the probable causes of this disorder. Pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches are often used to manage the symptoms of sleep disturbances. This article provides a brief background on FM, discusses the physiology of sleep, reviews the current literature on sleep disturbances associated with FM, provides insight to interventions that might be beneficial given the data available, and recommends ongoing research.


Like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia (FM) is a debilitating condition that can impair one's abilities to pursue activities of daily living. This painful muscle disorder is often accompanied by disturbances in the restful stages of sleep. The widespread pain and fatigue of FM may be linked to the sleep disturbances found in the disorder. 1-3 While an exact cause of the disorder is not known, its associated disabilities are recognized. 4,5 The effects of FM contribute to the social and economic issues that have a major impact on quality of life. 6 Understanding the role of sleep disturbances in FM can help nurses plan interventions that may improve the quality of life and reduce the associated disabilities.