
  1. Wente, Karla Ruth PT, DPT, WCS, CLT
  2. Spitznagle, Theresa M. PT, DPT, WCS


Objectives: Objectives of this report are to (1) describe a theoretical framework for symptom monitoring of urgency during standard movement testing, (2) report the prevalence of movement diagnoses, and (3) demonstrate the relationship between movement diagnoses and pelvic floor muscle diagnoses in individuals with urgency.


Background: Urinary urgency is a complex condition that causes economic and psychological burden. The relationship between movements and postures of the spine, hip, and urinary urgency symptoms has not well researched. Combining current understandings of neurological control of urgency and standard procedures utilized during movement examination, we report on a subgroup of individuals who have movement-related urgency.


Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed to identify patients with urinary urgency. Movement diagnoses of hip or spine were then identified, as well as the typical pelvic floor muscle diagnoses.


Results: A total of 225 patients, mean age 49.7 years, were identified with urinary urgency symptoms. Of this cohort, 48% of patients received a hip or spine movement diagnosis. Lumbar spine movement diagnoses were the most prevalent (31%), 13.7% of all patients were given thoracic movement diagnoses, and 11.1% of patients were given hip movement diagnoses.


Conclusion: The prevalence of spine or hip movement diagnoses in patients with urinary urgency was high (48.0%). A significant relationship was found between the presence of spine/hip movement diagnoses and pelvic floor muscle diagnoses ([chi]2 [1, N = 225] = 42.27, P = .000). Standard evaluation for patients with urinary urgency should include movement testing of spine and hip, with symptom monitoring of urinary urgency during examination.