
  1. Section Editor(s): Roberts, Dottie MSN, MACI, RN,C, ONC, CNS

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Get a quick review of sports medicine

Prepare for the certification exam by testing your knowledge of sports medicine diagnosis and treatment.


Andy Carlson, a 19-year-old football player at a local college, sustains an acute left anterior shoulder dislocation when he attempts to block a high pass during a football game. After initial evaluation by the team physician, Andy is transferred to the local hospital's emergency department (ED).



1. The nurse should be aware that the shoulder is the most easily dislocated joint because of the relatively weak articulation of the


a. aromioclavicular joint.


b. scapulothoracic juncture.


c. glenohumeral joint.


d. sternoclavicular juncture.


In the ED, Andy complains that his pain has increased since his initial injury. The distal pulses of his left arm are normal and he is able to wiggle the fingers of his left hand. However, he complains of numbness extending from his left elbow to the last two fingers of his left hand.



2. The nurse should suspect that Andy's increased pain is most likely due to


a. damage to the musculocutaneous nerve.


b. spasms of the supporting musculature.


c. emergent compartment syndrome.


d. a tear of the rotator cuff.


Andy is given intravenous medication to decrease his pain before reduction of his shoulder dislocation is attempted. When he is more comfortable, the traction-countertraction technique is used to reduce the dislocation.



3. The nurse should anticipate that after Andy's dislocation is reduced, his complaints of pain will


a. decrease.


b. remain the same.


c. increase.


d. be unpredictable.


Following reduction of his shoulder dislocation, Andy's left arm is immobilized with a sling and swath. The immobilization will be for a minimum of 3 weeks.



4. The nurse should teach Andy to take which of these measures while his shoulder is immobilized?


a. Perform daily active range-of-motion exercises of the left arm.


b. Forego left axillary hygiene during this period.


c. Remove the left arm from the sling and swath at bedtime.


d. Perform isometric exercises of the left arm and hand.



5. The nurse should caution Andy that a common complication of shoulder dislocation is recurrence, with the understanding that the rate of recurrence is highest among persons in which of these age groups?


a. Younger than 20


b. 20 to 30


c. 40 to 50


d. 60 and older

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