
  1. Wright, Kathy RNC, MS, CWOCN,Reviewer

Article Content

Portraits of Courage, Voices of Hope: A Photographic Essay of Breast Cancer Survivors


By Jerry Robinov and Jerzy Karcz. 94 pp. Portland, Me: The Robinov Foundation; 2001. $20.00. ISBN: 0-9711 989-0-X.


The title of this book provides insight into its purpose and scope-"a black-and-white photo essay created to show men and women around the world that there is life after breast cancer." As each page is turned, the reader is provided with a portrait of a survivor of breast cancer, often with someone or something meaningful to him or her and then, his or her inspirational "story" is shared. Stories range from a few powerful sentences to page-long perspectives. Brave men and women, both young and old, came through the battles of biopsy, mastectomy, chemotherapy, and/or radiation with new perspectives on life. Some relied on, or found anew, their faith in God; others were buoyed by the love of family and friends. All demonstrated their determination and undaunted spirit to overcome the illness and move on with their lives.


This book is the first project of the Robinov Foundation, an organization "dedicated to helping our community by supporting the charities making a difference in our world." Jerry Robinov, founder of the Robinov Foundation and one of the photographers for the book's portraits, started raising funds for breast cancer and other causes because he wanted to prove to the world that there was life after breast cancer. Proceeds from the sale of this book fund research and awareness programs needed to fight breast cancer and also to provide mammograms for uninsured women. Readers battling cancer themselves or supporting patients, friends, or loved ones touched by the disease will find strength and comfort in these stories and in knowing that their donation can help this important cause. For more information, visit