
  1. Baker, Sharon MS, RN, CNS, CNRN, Reviewer

Article Content

Comprehensive Nursing Care in Multiple Sclerosis


By J. Halpern and N. J. Holland. New York: Demos Medical Publishing, Inc. $39.95. ISBN: 1-888799-64-1. 344 pages.


The book is well written, with an emphasis on complex issues that accompany the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS). The authors provide knowledge in pathophysiology, epidemiology, symptom management, pharmacologic management, and alternative therapies. Each section provides a theoretical basis for the specific management with current research to assist the healthcare professional in management of each section. The editors define the domains of MS nursing as clinical practice, advocacy, education, and research. The book is then outlined in each section based on the domains so reading is user-friendly and informative.


The authors recognize MS as a chronic illness but identify that we need to change our perception to a wellness model. The wellness model provides a holistic approach for the nurse not only within the MS nursing domains listed but also as a patient advocate for health insurance needs or by empowering the patient with MS through knowledge. This is a reminder to us that adult education empowers participant to make an informed decision and that ultimately the individual should be the owner for health-related and life-planning issues related to them. The primary role of the healthcare professional especially nurses is to mentioned as a supportive relationship through a lifetime of coping with change and adapting to new circumstances. This supportive relationship should include the concept "hope" into clinical practice to assist the patient with MS in dealing with this lifelong health issue. At the end of the book is a list of resources and appendix to give the reader additional information that would be helpful in caring for a patient with MS. I would recommend this book to all healthcare professionals, especially nurses in the neuroscience arena or all nurses who care for patients with MS. The book will provide a foundation to build on for all healthcare professionals in caring for the patient with MS.