
Explanations, Online blogs, Personal experiences, Postcancer fatigue



  1. Watson, Amy BSc(Hons)
  2. van Kessel, Kirsten PhD


Background: Postcancer fatigue (PCF) is a form of chronic fatigue that is very common and can persist for years among disease-free cancer survivors. Despite this, PCF remains underreported and often goes untreated.


Objective: The aim of this study is to explore PCF from the perspective of cancer survivors via online blogs, with a focus on their experiences and personal explanations of PCF.


Methods: An online search identified 15 recent blogs written by cancer survivors who specifically discussed their PCF. Thematic analysis was used to analyze blog content.


Results: Bloggers explained PCF as a severe and unpredictable symptom in their lives. They identified anxiety, emotional trauma, and cancer side effects to be the key causal factors of their PCF. Coping strategies adopted by bloggers included diet, exercise, acceptance and reducing workload to manage their fatigue.


Conclusions: Online blogs are a rich source of qualitative data that can give unique insight into issues faced by cancer survivors. Bloggers' accounts confirmed that PCF is a complex issue that can be a significant source of frustration in their everyday lives. This study highlighted that bloggers with PCF appear to have some coping strategies and understanding of PCF, yet these are not always consistent with current medical and psychological knowledge.


Implications for Practice: This study has demonstrated that blogs can offer valuable information to existing knowledge of cancer survivors' experiences and explanations of PCF. The findings may assist healthcare professionals with educating patients about PCF and with increasing the legitimacy, awareness, and understanding of PCF.