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Organogenesis Inc has announced the launch of a new clinical research program comprising multiple multisite, prospective studies and a nationwide patient registry. The program will investigate Organogenesis Inc's recently introduced PuraPly Antimicrobial wound management product, a US FDA 510(k)-cleared class II medical device intended for the management of both acute and chronic wounds. According to the manufacturer, PuraPly is an effective barrier to colonization that reduces microbial dressing penetration. The first studies will take place at facilities in New York and follow patients for up to 12 weeks to assess the product's clinical uses and benefits.


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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services recently released an announcement seeking input from stakeholders on a new electronic clinical quality measure under development titled "Hospital Harm-Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injury." This measure assesses the proportion of hospitalized patients 18 years or older who develop a new stage 2 to 4 pressure ulcer, deep tissue injury, or unstageable pressure ulcer or experience worsening of any of the above during their hospitalization. Many stakeholders have responded to the measure, including the American Professional Wound Care Association and the Alliance of Wound Care Stakeholders, who stress that not all pressure injuries/ulcers are preventable and that it is possible for a patient to develop a pressure injury/ulcer without harm.


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