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USDA Implements McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program

The program, named after the two former senators who fought for the bill, Robert Dole and George McGovern, will work to bring educational opportunities and better nutrition to the world's poorest children. The USDA's Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) will administer the program. For more information, visit


Health Professionals Education Not up to Par

A new report, entitled: "Health Professions Education: A Bridge to Quality," from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academies finds that health professionals are inadequately prepared for today's medical care and inadequately assessed on their continued proficiency. The report recommends that institutions that train health professionals adopt five core competencies: the ability to deliver patient-centered care, work as a member of an interdisciplinary team, engage in evidence-based practice, apply quality-improvement approaches, and use information technology. For further information, contact Office of News and Public Information 202-334-2138 or e-mail: [email protected]. (IOM Council News Brief April 8, 2003)


Dietary Guidelines: A Historical Overview Available

These seminal documents are available from the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) and are available online at or