
  1. van Rotterdam, Joan BSc, MMS
  2. Hensley, Michael PhD, MBBS
  3. Hazelton, Michael PhD, MA, RN


Background: Cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation have been shown to reduce the symptoms of disease, as well as reducing health care utilization. To ensure the continuation of these programs, patient outcome measures (POMs) are essential to map treatment effectiveness. This review is a comparative effectiveness literature review of studies with a pre- to post-POM assessment of responsiveness (ie, change in health status over time).


Methods: A quality review of the literature included not only randomized controlled trials but also parallel studies, as well as all observational and retrospective trials. This review included a list of articles and their characteristics; a quality assessment of the literature and a list of POMs utilized in this setting were assessed for responsiveness.


Results: There was inconsistency in the literature with the measurement of responsiveness or effect size. The most commonly used POM was the SF-36; however, it was found to be less responsive to change in health status pre- to post-rehabilitation, particularly in the mental domain of this instrument. The most responsive POM in this setting was the Global Mood Scale.


Conclusion: The surveyed literature found no "gold standard" POM for either cardiac rehabilitation or pulmonary rehabilitation but there was some preference for the disease-specific POMs; however, some of these instruments lose their discriminatory power at the end of the rehabilitation period. This literature review found that a Likert scale is more responsive than a dichotomous scale and that a simple questionnaire is more responsive in a pre- to post-setting than a complex questionnaire.